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Israel (506)
Mar 21 2013 12:00am
Obama should visit West Bank villages affected by the Wall and settler harassment
‘International law demands the fence/wall and the settlements be remov...
Feb 20 2013 12:00am
Palestine demolitions under spotlight at Amnesty event in Belfast
Illegal demolitions of Palestinian homes by Israel will come under the...
Dec 28 2012 9:14pm
ISRAEL & PALESTINE: Human Rights & International Law - a talk by Richard Barnes
  Open Meeting Monday 4th February 2013 7 – 9 pm United Reformed Chu...
Dec 11 2012 12:00am
Israeli raids today on Palestinian NGOs was part of a 'pattern of harassment'
Amnesty International has denounced raids earlier today by the Israel ...
Dec 3 2012 12:00am
Israel's West Bank settlements violate international law
The Israeli government’s announcement that it is to expand settlements...
Nov 29 2012 12:00am
William Hague should stop using ICC as 'political football' in Palestinian UN status vote
Amnesty International has criticised the Foreign Secretary William Hag...
Nov 27 2012 2:21pm
Dispatches from Israel: "What I'm going through is hell"
Ann Harrison, Deputy Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East a...
Nov 26 2012 11:29am
Dispatches from Gaza: "Were my wife, my children, terrorists?"
Donatella Rovera, our Crisis Response Researcher, has been in Gaza sin...
Nov 20 2012 12:00am
Israel/Gaza conflict: UN must impose arms embargo and send international monitors
As the conflict escalates between Israel and Palestinian armed groups ...
Nov 14 2012 12:00am
Gaza: all sides must 'step back from brink' to protect civilians
Israel’s assassination of the head of Hamas’ military wing Ahmad al-Ja...