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Amnesty International UK
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Israel (506)
Jan 18 2011 12:00am
Gaza: New demand for justice over Gaza conflict on two-year 'anniversary'
‘A denial of justice is a recipe for future bloodshed’ - Kate Allen N...
Dec 26 2010 1:36pm
Village in Israel destroyed for the eighth time
Around 50 people have been affected by the demolition of the Bedouin v...
Dec 15 2010 4:57pm
Greetings from Bethlehem
Here in the Amnesty press team we posted our greetings cards yesterday...
Dec 7 2010 12:00am
Israel: rabbis' ban on housing for non-Jews condemned
Amnesty International today condemned a religious ruling signed by doz...
Dec 7 2010 12:00am
Israel: Rabbis' ban on housing for non-jews condemned
Amnesty International today condemned a religious ruling signed by doz...
Nov 30 2010 12:00am
Six months on: Little sign of improvement in Gaza since Israeli easing of blockade, shows report from aid and human rights groups
Amnesty International UK – Broederlijk Delen – CAFOD – CCFD-Terre Soli...
Oct 15 2010 12:00am
East Jerusalem: Israel's 238 housing units plan threatens Palestinian human rights
Amnesty International has today urged the Israeli authorities to aband...
Sep 27 2010 12:00am
ICC urged to decide on Gaza conflict investigation
Amnesty International has urged the International Criminal Court (ICC)...
Sep 24 2010 12:00am
Gaza: UN Human rights council must ensure justice for victims after Goldstone findings
As the Human Rights Council prepares to consider - on 27 September - a...
Sep 6 2010 12:00am
West Bank Violence: Hamas must prevent further attacks on Israeli citizens
Amnesty International today strongly condemned recent attacks, one of ...