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Amnesty International UK
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Israel (506)
Jun 18 2010 12:00am
Vanunu case: Solitary confinement is cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment
Amnesty International has accused the Israeli authorities of subjectin...
Jun 17 2010 12:00am
Gaza: 'easing' not enough, Israel's blockade should be lifted
Amnesty International has today urged Israel to completely lift withou...
Jun 16 2010 12:00am
Israel: Call for house demolitions to end - New report
Amnesty International is calling on the Israeli authorities to end hou...
Jun 15 2010 12:00am
Israel: Gaza flotilla commission criticised over lack of transparency and accountability
Amnesty International has today criticised Israel’s proposed investiga...
Jun 4 2010 12:00am
Amnesty welcomes Assembly debate on Gaza blockade
Amnesty International has welcomed plans for a Northern Ireland Assemb...
Jun 4 2010 12:00am
Gaza: International investigation of flotilla deaths needed
* Israel should assist UN experts in fact-finding mission * Blockade s...
Jun 3 2010 12:00am
* Israel should assist UN experts in fact-finding mission * Blockade s...
May 31 2010 12:00am
Israeli authorities urged to commission international inquiry
Amnesty International interim Secretary General called for an internat...
May 31 2010 12:00am
Israeli killings of Gaza ship activists must be investigated
Amnesty International has called for Israel to launch an immediate cre...
May 13 2010 12:00am
Israeli government urged not to jail nuclear whistleblower again
Amnesty International is urging the Israeli government not to imprison...