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Amnesty International UK
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Israel (506)
Jul 30 2010 5:42pm
Water you playing at?
Everyone should have access to clean, safe drinking water. Seems fairl...
Jul 29 2010 11:21am
Bedouins evicted in the Negev Desert.
I witnessed for myself a Bedouin village being demolished by Israeli p...
Jul 26 2010 12:00am
Gaza conflict: Fresh call for accountability as UN's five-month evaluation period expires
Amnesty International has reiterated its call for accountability for a...
Jul 18 2010 5:06pm
Here's an article I wrote for Sunday Herald newspaper in Scotland abou...
Jul 18 2010 12:00am
Gaza: Blockade 'Easing' not enough, say leading NGOs, as EU's Baroness Ashton visits
Amnesty International UK, Broederlijk Delen, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Chr...
Jul 15 2010 12:00am
Israeli and Palestinian ex-combatants visit UK to promote non-violence and end to occupation
Sixteen members of Combatants for Peace - a bi-national movement of Is...
Jul 7 2010 12:00am
Obama-Netanyahu talks must lead to lifting of Gaza blockade
Amnesty International reiterated its call on Israel to completely lift...
Jul 5 2010 12:00am
Israel steps up forced evictions in Jordan Valley
Amnesty International has urged the Israeli authorities to halt forced...
Jun 25 2010 4:49pm
Gilad Shalit: four years of isolation must end
As regular readers of this blog will know – both of them! – the topic ...
Jun 23 2010 12:00am
Amnest yn croseawu dadl cynulliad cenedlaethol ar Gaza
Mae Amnest Rhyngwladol wedi croesawu cynlluniau Llywodraeth Cynulliad ...