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Amnesty International UK
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LGBTI (520)
Jul 10 2024 3:24pm
Reflections on the DfE Draft Relationship and Sex Education Guidance from our Youth Collective
By Will Dawkins and Molly Cowell (Amnesty Youth Collective) Introdu...
Jul 3 2024 2:08pm
Amnesty International UK response to the draft revised Relationship and Sex Education guidance
The previous government opened a consultation on proposed changes to t...
Jun 28 2024 6:08pm
Malawi: Court’s decision to keep same-sex relations ban is ‘bitter setback’ for human rights
‘The court’s refusal to overturn these laws means LGBTI people in Mala...
Jun 21 2024 1:35pm
Namibia: decision to overturn 'sodomy' laws is a victory for human rights
Responding to the decision by the Namibia High Court to overturn the c...
May 16 2024 6:37pm
Thailand: State-backed digital abuse used to silence women and LGBTI activists - new report
Evidence points to Thai government’s involvement in use of highly-inva...
May 16 2024 12:58pm
UK: Government's 'dangerous' sex education proposal puts an entire generation 'in peril'
Government has announced Relationships, Sex and Health Education curri...
Mar 1 2024 2:49pm
Hong Kong: Transgender activist in danger of being sent back to mainland China
Lai Ke was detained in a psychiatric centre throughout her sentence an...
Feb 9 2024 5:32pm
Yemen: Huthi authorities sentence seven to stoning and two to crucifixion for homosexual 'crimes'
Separately, 13 students sentenced to death for ‘spreading homosexualit...
Feb 7 2024 5:01pm
UK: Rishi Sunak's PMQs trans jibe was 'sickening'
Responding to comments by Rishi Sunak during prime minister’s question...
Jan 9 2024 12:01am
Africa: LGBTI people face 'relentless' oppression after surge in discriminatory laws - new briefing
Last year saw a new wave of harsh anti-LGBTI legislation across Africa...