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Amnesty International UK
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LGBTI (520)
Oct 18 2019 10:28am
Hong Kong: Court ruling 'a bitter blow' for equal marriage hopes
Responding to the Hong Kong High Court ruling against “MK”, a woman wh...
Oct 11 2019 4:31pm
Uganda: reintroduction of 'kill the gays' bill is outrageous
Call on Ugandan Parliament to ‘resoundingly reject’ legislation ‘Th...
Sep 25 2019 3:07pm
Gender identity for beginners: a guide to being a great trans ally
Your anatomy doesn't determine your gender identity and neither do...
Sep 12 2019 5:37pm
Thank you for taking action
After human rights defender Cristina Palabay found herself on a go...
Sep 12 2019 5:37pm
Alejandra is free!
Alejandra was repeatedly sexually assaulted In El Salvador by gang...
Sep 12 2019 12:18pm
Brazil: Amnesty pressures authorities to solve Marielle Franco's murder
Little progress made in case of murdered Rio councillor Marielle Franc...
Aug 29 2019 2:55pm
Hong Kong: 'Vile attack' on pro-democracy protest organiser must be investigated
Responding to an attack in Hong Kong today on Jimmy Sham, the convenor...
Aug 27 2019 1:12pm
Monday 19 August
Imprisoned Writers: Trans Writes Estimates suggest that around 1 pe...
Aug 22 2019 3:02pm
Urgent Action Outcome: Authorities unlawfully restrict Pride marches
Pride events planned in June and July in several Turkish cities were p...
Aug 2 2019 3:50pm
Malak al-Kashef is free!
Malak is a human rights defender known for her brave work campaign...