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Amnesty International UK
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LGBTI (520)
Jul 31 2019 10:59am
The march of Pride on the road to justice
This is a guest blog by Amnesty Scotland volunteer Maneeya Saributh ...
Jul 30 2019 5:29pm
Lebanon: cancellation of Mashrou' Leila concert condemned
Mashrou’ Leila played same songs at same venue three years ago Band...
Jul 30 2019 4:36pm
Trans identity treated as mental illness by NHS in Northern Ireland - activist warns
Speaking at the Amnesty Pride Lecture, trans rights campaigner says ad...
Jul 22 2019 4:46pm
Northern Ireland: 'historic day' as abortion ban lifted and equal marriage made law
Landmark legislation passes final stage and will now become law 'F...
Jul 18 2019 3:29pm
Stand Up for Trans Rights
Amnesty UK is committed to stand up for LGBTI rights and to end discri...
Jul 16 2019 1:10pm
Northern Ireland: January deadline to be set for equal marriage law to take effect
Amendment to Northern Ireland Bill expected today by Lord Hayward woul...
Jul 9 2019 6:28pm
Northern Ireland: same-sex marriage to be legalised and UK must legislate on ending abortion ban
MPs vote through landmark bill which extends equal marriage to Norther...
Jul 3 2019 1:24pm
Northern Ireland: campaigners welcome new cross-party equal marriage move at Westminster
Amendment to Government legislation expected next week from Conor McGi...
Jun 30 2019 9:52pm
Turkey: Police use tear gas and rubber bullets against Istanbul Pride supporters
Responding to the news that Istanbul Pride participants were attacked ...
Jun 28 2019 5:11pm
Turkey: call for authorities to lift ‘unlawful’ ban on Istanbul Pride
Thousands expected to defy the ban on Sunday ‘There is still time f...