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Amnesty International UK
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Sexual and reproductive rights (256)
Jul 1 2016 2:26pm
‘I just wanted help and ended up a prisoner’: A message from Belén, imprisoned for a miscarriage
On 17 August the Supreme Court of Tucumán, a state in north Argentina,...
Jun 10 2016 5:00pm
Miscarriage is not a crime: free Belén
Having a miscarriage is a traumatic and painful experience for any wom...
Jun 9 2016 12:15pm
New call for Northern Ireland abortion reform, as U.N. rules Ireland violates human rights
“The Northern Ireland public want change. Today the United Nations ...
May 17 2016 7:18pm
Peru hike for human rights
Next year you could take on a fundraising challenge with a difference ...
May 17 2016 2:09pm
Northern Ireland: abortion statistics show law failing women – 833 travel to GB in 2015
‘Out of sight, out of mind’ is not a viable health policy in 2016 –...
May 15 2016 9:00pm
The UK country where women face life in prison for an abortion
There is a near-total ban on abortion in Northern Ireland, even in cas...
May 12 2016 6:03pm
Northern Ireland: Amnesty tentative welcome for moves to change law on abortion and marriage equality
Responding to news that a number of political parties have tabled Bill...
May 12 2016 12:00am
We were there at the AIUK AGM and Annual Conference!
Three members of the Minehead Group attended this year's AIUK AGM and ...
Apr 27 2016 1:21pm
Criminalisation of women in Northern Ireland becoming a 'grim trend' - second abortion pills court case
‘How many more women are we to see hauled into the dock before these a...