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Amnesty International UK
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Feb 19 2016 7:35pm
Albert Woodfox released after 43 cruel years in solitary confinement
Today the last imprisoned member of the ‘Angola 3’, Albert Woodfox, wa...
Feb 8 2016 4:31pm
Beyonce shines a light on black history and ongoing injustices
To say that Beyonce stole the spotlight at the Super Bowl 50 half-time...
Feb 4 2016 8:00am
Podcast: Chelsea Manning and Michelle Hendley
'I feel like I’ve been stored away all this time without a voice' C...
Dec 7 2015 5:00pm
Get Albert home for Christmas
The end was almost in sight for Albert Woodfox this year. First sent t...
Oct 30 2015 2:45pm
Shaker Aamer: 13 years in Guantánamo Bay, never charged with any crime
UK resident Shaker Aamer has finally been released after being detaine...
Oct 30 2015 12:54pm
What was the UK's role in CIA torture?
A damning report from the US Senate reveals how the CIA used waterboar...
Oct 30 2015 9:53am
After more than 13 years, Shaker Aamer has been released from Guantánamo Bay
When I helped organise a protest against Guantánamo Bay in 2007, I had...
Sep 25 2015 12:30pm
Writing in solidarity with Albert Woodfox
Back in June a US Judge ruled that Albert Woodfox should be immediatel...
Aug 21 2015 4:08pm
Disciplined for toothpaste and Vanity Fair? Send a message of support to Chelsea Manning
A tube of expired toothpaste. Caitlyn Jenner’s infamous Vanity Fair ma...
Jun 29 2015 3:57pm
USA: Supreme Court lethal injection ruling leaves injustice of death penalty in place
Risk of wrongfully-convicted person being executed remains   ...