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Amnesty International UK
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United States (469)
Apr 15 2015 4:10pm
Our chance to lobby the US Embassy: campaigning for the rights of the child
Our journey of campaigning for the US to ratify the Convention on the ...
Mar 26 2015 9:47pm
Jacqueline Montanez’s sentence overturned
This month we heard the good news that Jacqueline Montanez’s sentence ...
Mar 24 2015 2:13pm
Utah's reintroduction of firing squads is USA’s latest attempt to 'fix the unfixable'
‘The Utah legislature should be expending its energies on abolishin...
Mar 17 2015 6:38pm
Evidence of global opposition to US mass surveillance
Our research shows that around the world, the public don’t want to be ...
Feb 24 2015 12:42pm
Five reasons to care about mass surveillance
'Every border you cross, every purchase you make, every call you di...
Feb 20 2015 11:09pm
Bring Shaker Aamer home from Guantánamo Bay detention centre
Ever since January 2013 we have written at every monthly meeting to th...
Feb 18 2015 1:11pm
3 must-watch videos, 13 lost years: Shaker's story
There’s a superstitious part of me, and a worried part of me. And both...
Feb 1 2015 4:32pm
Chelsea Manning: 'I'm so thankful for all of your support'
I wanted to thank all of you so very much for your actions of support ...
Jan 30 2015 12:54pm
Why I'm running the London Marathon for Amnesty and Shaker Aamer
For human rights campaigners anniversaries are crucial in any campaign...
Jan 20 2015 10:56am
Northern Ireland: campaigners urge release of last UK detainee at Guantánamo
Amnesty International members in Northern Ireland have highlighted ...