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United States (469)
Sep 16 2014 11:46am
It's time for the US to stop fuelling the conflict in Israel and Gaza
As the UN General Assembly begins its meeting today in New York City, ...
Aug 20 2014 2:00pm
Beheading of journalist James Foley a war crime - killer must face justice
The execution-style killing by the Islamic State (IS) armed group of a...
Aug 14 2014 5:40pm
USA: Urgently investigate policing methods after use of lethal force in Missouri
In addition to a prompt, thorough, independent and impartial invest...
Aug 4 2014 8:30pm
Israel/Gaza: U.S. shipment of fuel to Israel's armed forces must be stopped as evidence of Gaza war crimes mounts
Amnesty International is appealing to the US government to immediat...
Aug 4 2014 2:19pm
Dow Chemical must comply with today's court summons in India over Bhopal
‘Dow's position is pure hypocrisy - they reap Union Carbide profits...
Aug 1 2014 5:09pm
Russia: 'in limbo' Edward Snowden must be allowed to seek international asylum
‘Edward Snowden is in a legal limbo, without a passport or asylum p...
Jul 30 2014 11:30am
USA: fresh call for release of Chelsea Manning exactly one year after conviction
‘It is an absolute outrage that Chelsea Manning is currently langui...
Jul 9 2014 5:41pm
Real vs fake: authenticating Youtube videos for our human rights work
During a crisis or disaster, YouTube is widely used to share footage—i...
Jun 19 2014 3:25pm
USA must end secret detention of seized Benghazi suspect Ahmed Abu Khattalah
‘While Ahmed Abu Khattalah is suspected of a serious crime, that do...
May 28 2014 3:47pm
I know why the caged bird sings - Maya Angelou (1928-2014)
With the death of Maya Angelou, the world has lost a laureate of liber...