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Women's Rights (583)
Jul 16 2024 12:01am
France: Hijab ban at Paris Olympic and Paralympic games is 'racist gender discrimination' - new report
International Olympic Committee refuse to call on sporting authorities...
Jul 1 2024 6:03pm
Iraq: Kurdistan region is failing domestic violence survivors - new report
Laws prioritise protection of ‘family unity’ over justice, while impun...
Jun 24 2024 2:31pm
Global: Women's and girls' rights in Afghanistan must be a priority at UN-hosted Doha meeting
Upcoming meeting is the third in the multiple rounds of UN-hosted talk...
Jun 17 2024 12:59pm
Global: Gender apartheid must be recognised as a crime under international law
‘This form of institutionalised oppression must be named’ - Agnès Call...
Jun 14 2024 11:32am
China: 'malicious' conviction of #MeToo and labour activists shows Beijing's growing fear of dissent
Responding to the sentencing of Chinese #MeToo activist Sophia Huang X...
Jun 11 2024 11:54am
USA: Social media companies' removal of abortion-related content may hinder access to abortion care - New Research
Since overturning of Roe v Wade, social media companies including Inst...
May 22 2024 4:04pm
Iran: Ebrahim Raisi's death must not rob his victims of right to justice
As a member of the 1988 ‘death commission’ he ordered the execution of...
Apr 19 2024 7:59am
London to Remember June Fourth 34 Years On
倫敦將舉行燭光集會,紀念八九民運34週年,緬懷六四死難者。 倫敦六四燭光集會 地點:中國大使館對面 時間:2023年6月4...
Mar 6 2024 9:18pm
Iran: compulsory headscarf crackdown is 'terrorising' women and girls - new testimonies
Hundreds of thousands of vehicles driven by women or with female passe...
Mar 4 2024 7:12pm
France: enshrining abortion in constitution is of 'huge significance'
French parliamentarians vote to revise the country’s constitution to e...