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Amnesty International UK
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Write for Rights (445)
Feb 26 2016 11:59am
Order your Write for Rights Handbook - Cloned
Write for Rights aims to take action to show solidarity for individual...
Jan 8 2016 3:04pm
Looking Back, Moving Forward
Our AGM at the beginning of the month gave us a chance to look back an...
Dec 30 2015 12:00am
Write for Rights 2015 - lots of cards and letters sent!
The 2015 Write for Rights Campaign went well here in West Somerset. We...
Dec 10 2015 9:55am
Why the UK government must remain a human rights champion
Written by Ann Clwyd MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Human Ri...
Dec 10 2015 7:00am
Even from prison, you can still light a candle
By Waleed Abu al-Khair, currently imprisoned in Saudi Arabia for defen...
Dec 10 2015 7:00am
This Human Rights Day, make Waleed’s words famous
'The oppressor dies and he is forgotten, the free man is jailed and...
Dec 9 2015 10:12pm
Write for Rights 2015 in Chelmsford
Write for Rights 2015 letter writing evening went well 10 of us met ...
Dec 9 2015 12:57pm
Resource pack: Write for Rights 2015
This is the Write for Rights online module for our Amnesty Internation...
Dec 3 2015 6:00pm
My husband, in prison for supporting human rights in Saudi Arabia
Samar Badawi's husband is Waleed Abu al-Khair, a prominent human right...
Dec 1 2015 8:37pm
December is Human Rights Month in Sheffield
December is a busy month for everyone but it is especially busy for us...