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Iran (814)
Sep 28 2009 9:56pm
Political prisoners at risk
Here are some news from inside the Iranina prisons. The strangest cas...
Sep 26 2009 10:49am
Iranian trade unionists face lengthy jail sentences - protest now!
Two Iranian trade unionists from the sugar industry are still facing j...
Sep 23 2009 10:37am
Ahmadinejad is not My president!
The following video is the work of a group of Iranians in New York. Pl...
Sep 14 2009 12:31pm
A rape victim in Iran speaks out!
Another case of rape in prison.
Sep 11 2009 11:13pm
Another personality is detained
Morteza Alviri was detained a few days ago. You can watch his last int...
Sep 11 2009 11:13pm
Another personality is detained
Morteza Alviri was detained a few days ago. You can watch his last int...
Sep 10 2009 12:00am
Iran: Rape and other torture victims at renewed risk
Victims of rape and other torture by Iranian security forces are facin...
Sep 9 2009 10:41am
Wonderful video
Wonderful site designed by some Iranians in commomeration of those kil...
Sep 8 2009 6:03pm
One prisoner is freed, another is captured!
Another case of abduction in day light! Last week, the mother of Atef...
Sep 6 2009 12:23pm
Stockholm goes Green
   On Sept 5, Stockholm was the host to the two kilometre Green Scrol...