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Amnesty International UK
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Iran (814)
Nov 10 2009 1:25pm
Iranian regime, a step too far to silence opposition.
On the occasion of the November 4, the occupation of the US Embassy in...
Nov 6 2009 11:31am
How long can the wave of terror last?
November 4 was the anniversary of the occupation of the US Embassy by ...
Nov 5 2009 10:26am
Where is Iran heading with so much violoence?
On the 4 November 1979, the US Embassy in Tehran was occupied by a gro...
Nov 3 2009 10:51pm
Jailed in Iran for being trade unionists
Six Iranian trade unionists representing sugar workers at the Haft Tap...
Nov 2 2009 11:25am
One Million Signature Activists under persecution
As the Iranian people intensify their peaceful campaigns against the s...
Nov 1 2009 7:17pm
Fariba Pejouh
Fariba Pejouh, a journilist who has been kept at the Evin prison for m...
Nov 1 2009 2:59pm
News Alert
Follwing the detention of many journalists and civil society activists...
Nov 1 2009 10:20am
A report by Defend International (DI)
Iran: DI Speaks Out Against Death Penalty Defend International has urg...
Oct 30 2009 2:37pm
Iran: Casting the last stone
I’m still staggered that anyone could think it’s OK to partially-bury ...
Oct 30 2009 12:00am
Death Penalty: Gregory Campbell is wrong to defend cruelty of Iran, Saudi Arabia and China
Amnesty International today strongly criticised a call made by Gregory...