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Amnesty International UK
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Racism (119)
May 30 2013 11:23pm
Poland: Threats of forced eviction to Roma continue
An estimated 20 Roma residents including children who have been liv...
May 30 2013 12:55pm
May 13 Youth Campaign Briefing: Roma Rights
Info + actions: It’s time for Europe to end discrimination against Rom...
May 16 2013 1:48pm
Demand Dignity campaign briefing: Roma in Europe
The Roma are one of Europe's oldest and largest ethnic minorities, and...
May 16 2013 1:48pm
Roma Stickers - 'Standing up for Roma Rights'
Sticker text reads 'Standing up for Roma Rights'
May 16 2013 1:48pm
Roma - Mythbusters
Fact or fiction: Gypsies, Roma and travellers - an Amnesty mythbuster....
Mar 28 2013 4:47pm
Travelling Tales- giving a voice to Scottish Traveller youth
Youth charity Article 12’s “What a Voice” exhibition, showcases 12 dif...
Dec 11 2012 1:12pm
EU-funded housing may result in racial segregation in Serbia
Good news: In direct response to this campaign, the EU Mission in S...
May 22 2012 8:40pm
Allegations of institutional racism against Roma in Britain.
Please click on the links below to read my report published last Sunda...
Sep 7 2011 11:13am
Here's a link to my latest article for Al Jazeera. http://english.alj...
Nov 22 2010 4:51pm
English Defence League.
Here's a link to an article I wrote for Al Jazeera about the far right...