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Amnesty International UK
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Censorship and Freedom of Expression (1481)
May 24 2011 3:45pm
Twitter and free speech
You might have noticed one or two stories around recently involving Tw...
May 24 2011 1:16pm
Somalia: journalists' union harassed by gunmen
Amid all the fuss in Britain about whether journalists can report on f...
May 13 2011 12:00pm
Human rights and social media - you've never been so important
It’s an important day for us as we publish our latest annual report – ...
May 4 2011 7:38pm
Big Brother is back
Channel 4 might have jumped ship on that format, but here at Amnesty, ...
Mar 25 2011 6:16pm
The pen and the penalty
Liu Xianbin was jailed this week, for 10 years. Guess what the offence...
Feb 25 2011 5:16pm
The social not work
Discontent is catching, that’s the fear. It seems to be a valid one. A...
Feb 10 2011 2:49pm
Bloggers beware in Thailand
As local politicos, hacks, twitterati and bloggers prepare for this ev...
Nov 18 2010 12:57pm
On your own head tweet it
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words posted on what is well...
Nov 4 2010 1:56pm
Indonesia in the media
There was plenty of media attention today on Indonesia.  It focused o...
Oct 6 2010 5:25pm
Freemuse: music that annoys the dictators
The Amnesty shop is selling a CD, Listen to the Banned, of music that ...