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Amnesty International UK
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Censorship and Freedom of Expression (1481)
Nov 5 2018 2:49pm
Urgent Action: Journalists and activists threatened in Mozambique
Local journalists and civil society activists have received anonymous ...
Oct 30 2018 2:52pm
UAE: Matthew Hedges' bail release welcomed, but fair trial fears remain
‘Matthew wouldn’t be the first person to be arrested in the UAE on bas...
Oct 29 2018 3:54pm
Urgent Action update: Activists cleared of charges, two awaiting trial in Niger
Three activists, Ibrahim Diori, Maïkoul Zodi, and Karim Tanko were rel...
Oct 22 2018 3:44pm
Urgent Action: Farm workers in Indonesia face imprisonment for insulting flag
Two farm workers, Sawin and Sukma, were arrested and detained by the p...
Oct 20 2018 1:45pm
Saudi Arabia's investigation findings on Khashoggi death 'not trustworthy'
Independent UN investigation urgently needed ‘We call on the Saudi ...
Oct 16 2018 2:46pm
UAE: Matthew Hedges must be released if 'spying' charge relates only to academic research
‘This is what we and his family feared’ - Polly Truscott  Respondin...
Oct 16 2018 12:08pm
Urgent Action update: Whereabouts of human rights lawyer unknown in Egypt
Ezzat Ghoniem, a human rights defender and co-founder and director of ...
Oct 15 2018 5:18pm
Spain: leading Catalan figures Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart should be freed
A year on from their pre-trial detention, the pair languish in jail ch...
Oct 15 2018 4:09pm
Urgent Action update: Shuhuh tribe members expect verdict in unfair trial in Oman
On 24 September, an Omani court is expected to issue its verdict in th...
Oct 15 2018 2:30pm
Urgent Action: Ex-minister arbitrarily held after book release in Eritrea
Former Eritrean Minister of Finance, Berhane Abrehe, was taken to an u...