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Amnesty International UK
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Censorship and Freedom of Expression (1481)
Sep 3 2018 7:59am
Myanmar: Guilty verdict against Reuters journalists sends stark warning on press freedom
Responding to the news that Reuters journalists, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe ...
Aug 31 2018 1:58pm
Northern Ireland: deep concern at arrest of investigative journalists
Amnesty International has said it is deeply concerned at the reported ...
Aug 28 2018 2:48pm
Urgent Action good news: Tajikistani prisoner of conscience released
On 22 August, independent journalist and prisoner of conscience Khairu...
Aug 28 2018 11:57am
Urgent Action: Prisoner at risk of losing eyesight in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstani activist and blogger Muratbek Tungishbayev risks losing si...
Aug 28 2018 11:30am
Urgent Action: Christians sentenced for practising their faith in Iran
Iranian Christians Victor Bet-Tamraz, his wife Shamiram Issavi, Amin A...
Aug 20 2018 2:53pm
Freedom of Expression Award 2018
The Freedom of Expression Award honours an Edinburgh Festival Fringe t...
Aug 14 2018 2:14pm
Egypt: no justice for 900 Rabaa Massacre victims, as mass show trial continues
On 14 August 2013, security forces opened fire on people in protest ca...