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Belarus (115)
Jul 17 2020 2:40pm
Belarus: Authorities threatening women political activists ahead of election
President Alyaksandr Lukashenka seeking re-election next month for six...
Apr 29 2020 9:42am
Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Governments must stop abusing emergency powers during COVID-19 pandemic
Governments in the region routinely resort to repressive measures to s...
Mar 16 2020 10:02am
Belarus must not execute Viktar Serhil
Viktar Serhil is at imminent risk of execution in Belarus after his co...
Dec 2 2019 9:49am
Man at risk of imminent execution
Viktar Paulau was found guilty of the murder of two people in December...
Mar 26 2019 11:35am
Urgent Action: Protect rights of juvenile prisoners
Emil Astrauko and Vasily Sauchanka are held in a juvenile prison in Be...
Dec 18 2018 12:45pm
Urgent Action update: Two prisoners at risk of imminent execution
There is grave concern that the only two known prisoners on death row ...
Dec 18 2018 11:51am
Urgent Action update: Two more prisoners executed in Belarus
Belarusian prisoners, Ihar Hershankou and Siamion Berazhnoy have been ...
Oct 9 2018 11:59pm
World Day Against Death Penalty: powerful video shows horror for families
To coincide with World Day Against the Death Penalty today, Amnesty ha...
Oct 9 2018 1:53pm
Death penalty cruelty - a stain on governments
Prisoners under sentence of death around the world are often subjected...