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Egypt (438)
Feb 12 2011 12:00am
Thousands rally in solidarity with Egyptian protestors
Thousands of people rallied in cities across the world today to demand...
Feb 11 2011 3:28pm
Obama backs the protesters in Egypt
President Obama backs the protests against the Egyptian government.  S...
Feb 11 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Failure of political leaders to agree human rights reforms 'Irresponsible'
Global day of solidarity action tomorrow (Saturday 12 February), rally...
Feb 11 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Human rights reform essential as Hosni Mubarak steps aside
Global day of solidarity action tomorrow (Saturday 12 February), rally...
Feb 10 2011 12:00am
Egypt: 'Agenda' for human rights published
End to State of Emergency called for, and no more arbitrary detention,...
Feb 9 2011 12:00am
'Day of solidarity and defiance' mass rally supporting peaceful protesters in Egypt and wider region
Feb 7 2011 11:00am
Stand in solidarity and defiance with those demanding change
Follow the event live on our blog Update: The rallies are going ahead...
Feb 6 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Google employee detained and at risk of torture
Amnesty International today warned that Wael Ghuneim, Google's head of...
Feb 5 2011 12:00am
Amnesty International staff released but Egyptian activists still detained
Two members of an Amnesty International fact-finding team were among f...
Feb 4 2011 4:37pm
Egypt Journalists and human rights monitors (including Amnesty's) under threat
Protests continue in Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt (not to mention else...