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Egypt (438)
Sep 15 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Emergency law biggest threat to rights since '25 Jan revolution'
The military authorities have essentially taken Egypt’s laws back to t...
Aug 23 2011 12:00am
Egypt: New report condemns treatment of country's poorest
The Egyptian authorities and political parties must put the rights of ...
Aug 16 2011 12:00am
Egypt must drop charges against blogger accused of 'defaming' military on Twitter
The Egyptian authorities must immediately drop charges against a woman...
Aug 2 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Justice for victims must mean fair trial for former president
Warning against violence outside court by security forces The trial o...
Jun 27 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Military's pledge to end 'virginity tests' on protestors welcomed
The head of Egypt’s military intelligence has promised Amnesty Interna...
Jun 1 2011 9:59pm
Not like your daughter or mine: forced 'virginity tests' in Egypt
You might have missed the remarks made by an Egyptian general to CNN t...
May 31 2011 12:00am
Egypt: senior general's justification of forced 'virginity tests' condemned
Comments made to CNN must lead to full investigation The Egyptian auth...
May 19 2011 1:08pm
Egypt. The story so far
As I've said on this blog before, there's always a tendency for media ...
May 19 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Death sentence for 17-year-old condemned
Sentence passed by unfair military court Amnesty International has co...
May 18 2011 12:00am
Egypt: Still 'Mountain to climb' to achieve justice for protesters-New report
123-page report says victims being failed in aftermath In a major rep...