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Egypt (438)
Oct 17 2012 12:00am
Egypt man accused of promoting 'innocence of Muslims' film must be released
 "Criticism, insult or mockery does not interfere with the individual ...
Oct 10 2012 12:00am
Egypt: President must go beyond decree and carry out greater human rights reform
A general amnesty decree by Egypt’s President Morsi pardoning those de...
Oct 2 2012 10:51am
Time for reform: a 'new' Egypt on the way?
Tweet !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]...
Oct 2 2012 12:00am
Egypt: Morsi needs to end army and police impunity- two new reports
Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights protesters ...
Sep 14 2012 12:00am
Egypt: Arrest Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir
The Egyptian government should immediately withdraw its invitation to ...
Jul 1 2012 9:27pm
July 2012 Newsletter & Monthly Appeal Letters from June meeting
The latest Newsletter for the Group with details of the June 2012 meet...
Jun 29 2012 12:00am
Memorandum to Morsi spells out human rights challenges facing Egypt
‘The army’s powers to arrest, detain and investigate civilians … are t...
Jun 13 2012 8:58pm
Amnesty's MENA Campaign - A short introduction
I figure before I do any “proper” blog posts I should say a little abo...
Jun 12 2012 12:00am
Egypt: investigate attacks on Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights protesters
The Egyptian authorities must immediately launch an investigation into...
Jun 2 2012 12:00am
Egypt: Mubarak verdict fails to deliver justice
News that ex-president Hosni Mubarak has been sentenced to life impris...