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Egypt (438)
Jun 1 2012 12:00am
Egypt must return to rule of law as state of emergency ends
The end of Egypt’s 31-year state of emergency must signal a return to...
May 2 2012 12:00am
Egyptian army's intervention to prevent bloodshed at protest in Cairo today was 'hours too late'
‘There appears to be no will within Egypt’s ruling Supreme Council of ...
May 1 2012 12:00am
Fresh warning that Egypt must protect protesters in run-up to this month's elections
The Egyptian authorities must protect protesters in the run-up to pres...
Apr 25 2012 12:00am
Egypt should overturn 'insulting Islam' prison sentence for actor Adel Imam
Ruling sends ‘strong message that Egypt has still not moved on from th...
Mar 15 2012 12:00am
Call to halt 'Ship of Shame' carrying American weapons to Egypt
A ship with a cargo of weapons and explosives en route from the USA to...
Mar 11 2012 12:00am
Egypt: acquittal of Egyptian military doctor fails Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights victims of 'virginity tests'
Decision is ‘travesty of justice’ - Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui The acquitt...
Mar 9 2012 12:00am
Women's rights's rightss rights's rights's rights's rights's rights activists from Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty event
Uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa: only a half a revolutio...
Mar 9 2012 12:00am
Egypt: verdict in key 'virginity test' case expected on Sunday
‘The “virginity tests” trial is a rare opportunity for Egypt’s militar...
Mar 3 2012 5:20pm
Defend Egyptian trade unionist Kamal Abbas: protect the Arab Spring
Kamal Abbas, the General Coordinator of the Egyptian Center for Trade ...
Feb 23 2012 12:00am
Egypt: military trials condemned after protester Amr El Beheiry's year-long ordeal
Driver was beaten and humiliated during detention The release of an Eg...