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Mar 5 2010 2:02PM
Colombia: Free Liliany Obando

On International Women's Day, Monday 8 March, Justice for Colombia had a protest outside the Colombian embassy in London. The protest was to demand the release of political prisoners including Liliany Obando. She has campaigned against...

Mar 1 2010 11:52AM
Robin Hood tax

The Robin Hood tax is a proposed tax on speculative banking transactions. It is a tax that takes from the rich and gives to the poor. The proceeds could be used in the fight against global poverty and climate change. Years ago a top...

Feb 25 2010 12:41PM
Vulture Funds: Newsnight investigation and debate in parliament

Vulture funds featured in a Newsnight investigation by Greg Palast shown on 25 February 2010. Vulture funds buy up the debt of very poor countries cheaply and then sue for 10 or even 100 times what they paid for it. Greg Palast...

Feb 25 2010 12:04PM
An ambassador who spoke out: Murder in Samarkand

Murder in Samarkand was last Saturday's Afternoon Play on Radio 4. I missed it but for a short time, until the afternoon of 27 Feb. 2010, it can be heard on the internet. David Tennant plays Craig Murray who was the UK's ambassador to...

Feb 21 2010 2:14PM
Daniel Ellsberg, Vietnam War whistle blower

The Most Dangerous Man in America is a film I watched recently on a BBC digital channel, BBC 4. You can still catch it for a little while on the internet. Daniel Ellsberg had access to top secret documents about the Vietnam War and the...

Feb 21 2010 2:09PM
Paul Robeson, singer and activist

On Sunday 21 February 2010 I’m Still the Same Paul was on BBC Radio 3. Music and human rights come together in the person of Paul Robeson, played by Lenny Henry. Robeson was one of the foremost black performers in the world and also...

Feb 21 2010 2:04PM
More slaves than ever before

Joakim points us to "A Crime So Monstrous: Face to Face with Modern Slavery", a book by E Benjamin Skinner. It seems that there are more slaves in the world today then ever before in history.

Feb 21 2010 2:03PM
The General Election coming soon

Who will you vote for in this year's general election? Will your vote go to someone who cares about human rights as much as you do? What do you know about the views of the candidates and of their parties? The election may be less than...

Feb 6 2010 2:08PM
Building for earthquake risk

On Saturday 6 February 2010 Channel 4 at 7:30 pm repeated Haiti's Killer Quake: Why It Happened . Part of the programme showed how to make buildings that cost a little more (maybe 15% more) but are much safer in the event of an...

Feb 4 2010 12:16PM
Global Voices and Google offer award for internet campaigners

Google and Global Voices will give an award for outstanding use of the internet to promote freedom of expression. Winners of the Breaking Borders Award will be announced at the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Santiago, Chile, on...

Jan 31 2010 11:52AM
Tutu asks Libya: where is he?

Desmond Tutu, Nobel peace prize winner and former archbishop of Capetown, is to make an urgent plea to Libya on Monday . He will ask the Libyan government to clarify what has happened to a prominent dissident, Jaballa Matar. His family...

Jan 31 2010 11:10AM
Arrest for corrupt payments related to BAE sales

A BAE middleman has been arrested and held , charged with conspiring to make corrupt payments to promote the sale of fighter planes to Austria, Czech Republic and Hungary. The Attorney General, Lady Scotland, has not yet allowed the...

Jan 27 2010 10:22PM
Barack Obama's record on human rights

A report from Human Rights Watch says that Barack Obama has set a different tone from Bush but has failed to prevent abuses .

Jan 27 2010 10:14PM
Britain "complicit in mistreatment and possible torture"

A report from the UN says that Britain was complicit in mistreatment and possible torture . The report indicates that Britain was involved in the secret detention of British Muslims. It follows a report from Human Rights Watch, based...

Jan 26 2010 8:19PM
Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases

The Millennium Development Goals , to be achieved by 2015 which is now only 5 years away, include this one: Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases. Malaria can be controlled with technology as simple as bed nets to keep...

Jan 21 2010 12:01PM
Goal 5: Better health for mothers

The Millennium Development Goals , to be achieved by 2015, include: Goal 5: Improve maternal health Here is the Millennium Development Campaign's web page on Goal 5. As it says on that page, too often the day a baby is born is the day...

Jan 12 2010 9:12PM
Iraq war was illegal, finds inquiry

The Iraq war was illegal, the inquiry has found . No, not that inquiry in London so much in the news recently. This is a tribunal of seven judges in the Netherlands.

Jan 12 2010 8:08PM
Cabinda in the spotlight due to football

The attack and murder of Togolese footballers in Angola has drawn the attention of the media, yes even of the Sun. It is amazing how a link with football can make news. Lara Pawson writes in the Guardian that Cabinda should be kept in...

Jan 11 2010 9:42PM
Goal 4: Reduce child mortality

The eight Millennium Development Goals , intended to be met by 2015, include this one: Goal 4: Reduce child mortality One of the ways to prevent childen dying is to ensure that they receive injections to protect against common and...

Jan 8 2010 9:42PM
English PEN campaigning to protect journalists in the Americas

English PEN has today published an update on its campaign, Freedom to Write in the Americas . They are concerned for the safety of journalists in countries including Mexico and Cuba. Roy Greenslade in his blog reports briefly on the...
