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Amnesty International UK
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Dec 15 2009 1:26PM
Tony Blair urged to give to charity after speech in Azerbaijan

The Telegraph reports that Tony Blair is being urged to give to charities at least the £90 000 that he is reported to have been paid for a speech in Azerbaijan, in which he forgot to make any criticism about human rights. An aide to...

Dec 15 2009 10:49AM
Happy birthday to Survival International

Survival International , "the movement for tribal peoples", celebrates its 40th birthday this month. One piece of news on Survival International's website is that Vedanta Resources has launched an unprecedented attack on the...

Dec 15 2009 10:28AM
UN action needed to protect civilians in eastern Congo

Human Rights Watch has issued a report saying that the United Nations needs to take stronger action to protect civilians in eastern Congo and to end atrocities. Human Rights Watch has made many visits to the area and interviewed many...

Dec 15 2009 10:14AM
This house cares not one jot about world hunger

No, that is not the text of a motion before parliament, to be honest. However, Early Day Motion 408, on World Hunger , tabled by John Mann, has attracted only 38 MPs by 9 February 2010 and only one of those is a Conservative signatory...

Dec 15 2009 9:30AM
A stoning to death in Somalia

I do not usually recommend reading the Daily Mail but Amnesty supporters may wish to look at this report of a death by stoning , illustrated with photographs. The face of the victim in one photo is pixellated on grounds of taste to...

Dec 15 2009 9:16AM
Faces and stories from the sharp end of climate change

The Guardian has a neatly presented mosaic of faces of people who are suffering already from climate change , in Cuba, Chad, India, Bangladesh and other countries. Click on one of the faces to get the person's opinion. At the talks in...

Dec 6 2009 11:15AM
Disabled in the Middle East

Jack Shenker writes in the Guardian of the poverty, exclusion and discrimination faced by disabled people in Arab and north African countries.

Dec 6 2009 11:08AM
Poet Laureate, Carol Ann Duffy, gets political in her poetry

The Poet Laureate has put a political slant on her version ot the Twelve Days of Christmas , including issues such as climate change and the war in Afghanistan. Poets holding the title previously have tended to keep away from...

Dec 6 2009 10:49AM
Millennium Development Goals and Climate Change

The UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, was discussing action on climate change recently at a conference of young people, in the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference , starting in Copenhagen within the next 24 hours. One...

Dec 3 2009 9:09AM
Stronger action on AIDS, says the South African leader

South Africa's president, Jacob Zuma, announced on World Aids Day, 1 Dec. 2009, that there would be a new policy to address the AIDS crisis in his country . He wants to move on from the political inertia on the issue and show a...

Dec 3 2009 8:55AM
North Korea: defectors want the International Criminal Court to act

Defectors from North Korea have signed a petition to the International Criminal Court. They allege crimes against humanity and demand that the North Korean government is prosecuted . North Korea is thought to have at least five...

Nov 30 2009 9:43AM
Vulture funds sue Liberia for £12 million

Vulture funds are to sue Liberia for £12 million in the High Court in London. I wrote before about the campaign against vulture funds . They seek to make a profit from exploiting some of the poorest people in the world. The amount...

Nov 30 2009 9:40AM
UK taxpayers funding the destruction of my homeland

The tar sands industry is destroying the homeland of one of Canada's First Nations. Royal Bank of Scotland is involved and that bank now has a majority share holding by the government. That means that if you as a taxpayer are not happy...

Nov 30 2009 9:38AM
Cover-up of civilian casualties in Afghanistan: German minister quits

A minister in the German government has resigned. Franz Josef Jung admitted that the government withheld information about civilian casualties from a Nato airstrike in Afghanistan. He was defence minister at the time. Kate Connolly...

Nov 29 2009 12:17AM
Amnesty Magazine: Irene Khan on Power and Poverty

Irene Khan, Secretary General of Amnesty International, writes on Power and Poverty in the latest issue of Amnesty Magazine, for November/December 2009. She asserts that the powerlessness of poor people is a key problem. She refers to...

Nov 28 2009 11:50PM
Women suffering from the rule on no recourse to public funds

Campaigners converged on parliament on 4 November 2009 to challenge the "no recourse" rule; see the article in Amnesty Magazine for November/December 2009. Also see Amnesty's web page: Women trapped in cycle of violence by UK law...

Nov 24 2009 11:10PM
Amnesty magazine: a senator on the death penalty

The November/December 2009 issue of Amnesty Magazine includes How racism keeps the executioner at work, an article by Georgia State Senator, Nan Orrock. She writes that blacks who kill whites are eleven times more likely to be executed...

Nov 24 2009 10:17PM
Vigil at Fort Benning, Georgia

Every year there is a vigil and protest at the gates of Fort Benning, Georgia, where the taxpayers of the USA fund a college for training police and military personnel from Latin America. Many of the graduates of the School of the...

Nov 24 2009 9:46PM
Michael Palin goes to...

Michael Palin is known for his television films of travels to the Sahara, the Himalayas, or around the planet. His latest travels are much nearer home. He has been visiting the refugees who live in the council estates of larger cities...

Nov 21 2009 10:39AM
Vigil at Fort Benning, Georgia:  Justice in the Americas

Despite my advice to Barack Obama the School of the Americas has not been closed down so it is time to protest again, on 20 to 22 November 2009. From all over the USA and from further away in the Americas thousands are converging at...
