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Nov 20 2009 4:06PM
Where is the worst place in the world for children?

UNICEF has produced its latest report on life for children in different countries . Have a guess before you click. Where do you think is the worst country for children to grow up? The report from UNICEF is called The State of the World...

Nov 16 2009 9:14AM
Apology for sending children to Australia

Gordon Brown is to apologise for policy of sending children to Australia . The practice continued into the 1960s. In some cases the children were told that they were orphans even when this was not true.

Nov 16 2009 9:08AM
Somali village life - in Wales?

I wrote before about Human Zoos but there is a Somali village in mid-Wales with a much more positive mission.

Nov 16 2009 9:01AM
Panorama investigates loan sharks

Swimming with Loan Sharks was shown on the BBC on 16 November 2009. Swimming with such sharks is of course not a good idea but in recession-hit Britain desperate people do turn to them. As well as suffering from even worse debt they...

Nov 15 2009 10:52PM
Dispatches on Channel 4 looks at the Israel lobby

Inside the Israel Lobby was shown in the Dispatches series on Monday 16 November 2009.

Nov 10 2009 6:04PM
Unreported World shows the persecution of widows in Nepal

Unreported World meets the widows of Nepal in the Channel 4 programme at 7:35 pm on Friday 13 November 2009. The title of the film is Nepal: The Living Dead . You can also read the Reporter's Log by Yemi Ipaye .

Nov 8 2009 3:17PM
Moves towards outlawing extraordinary rendition

An all-party group of MPs has recommended criminalising the use of facilities in the UK for extraordinary rendition flights . This would also affect territories of the UK such as Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. An Italian court has...

Nov 8 2009 3:08PM
Millions of pounds of compensation may not reach the right people

£30 million intended for compensation for victims of toxic waste may be lost due to corruption in the Ivory Coast's regime. It was paid by the company Trafigura in an out-of-court settlement in London and deposited in a bank in Abidjan...

Nov 4 2009 11:31AM
Channel 4 Unreported World goes to the southern Sudan

Channel 4's Unreported World film South Sudan – how to fuel a famine was shown on Friday 6 November 2009 at 7:35 in the evening. You can read the reporter's log by Ramita Navia . It is Darfur in the west of Sudan that has been more in...

Nov 4 2009 11:24AM
Michael Ashcroft's wealth and the power that comes with it

In the Observer Nick Cohen writes about Ashcroft and drews a parallel with fictional characters in a short story by Rudyard Kipling, The Man Who Would Be King , who say that small, backward countries are the easiest to dominate. The...

Nov 1 2009 6:50PM
Channel 4 programme: The Human Zoo - Science's Dirty Secret  

Channel 4 at 7 pm this evening showed The Human Zoo: Science's Dirty Secret . Back in the 19th and early 20th century people from what seemed strange and exotic cultures were exhibited in major cities in Europe and North America. One...

Oct 31 2009 3:30PM
Action for Health

Action for Health is a section of the Hesperian Foundation's website. I wrote before about two books on community health published by that foundation. Some years ago the World Health Organisation published Health For All by the Year...

Oct 31 2009 3:27PM
UN official denied entry to Zimbabwe to investigate torture

Manfred Nowak, the United Nations investigator of torture, got as far as Harare airport and was then deported. See David Smith's article in the Guardian.

Oct 31 2009 3:21PM
See this cartoon on the Honduran coup

The Honduran Coup, A Graphic History , by Dan Archer and Nikil Saval, uses cartoons to tell the story of the coup and the arrest of the president. Rory Carroll, writing in the Guardian , praises the work for giving more historical...

Oct 30 2009 10:50PM
Unreported World on Afghan migrants

Channel 4 tonight showed the plight of Afghan migrants who get as far as Turkey and then Greece, on the eastern edge of the European Union. The film is in the series Unreported World and is called: Greece - The Unwanted . You can read...

Oct 30 2009 7:08PM
How safe is Zimbabwe now?

Refugee welfare groups have reacted with anger to suggestions from the Home Office that Zimbabwe may be safe enough for failed asylum seekers to be forcibly returned there. See this report in the Guardian .

Oct 30 2009 12:48PM
President of Honduras under siege

The deposed president of Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, is under siege in the Brazilian embassy and is being attacked by sound . SOA Watch has been pointing out that the military coup in Honduras, overthrowing the elected government, was led...

Oct 26 2009 9:23PM
Radovan Karadzic is on trial

Radovan Karadzic is on trial . He claims that he needs more time to prepare his defence. Martin Bell comments on the case and points out that the UN shares some of the guilt for failing to prevent atrocities.

Oct 26 2009 9:10PM
Risks for pregnant women in Africa

See the recent blog entry by Efemena on the risks faced by pregnant women in Africa . That post made me think of two books that I read years ago when I was working in community health but not in Africa. Where There Is No Doctor and...

Oct 26 2009 8:54PM
British supplies used in putting down protests

I wrote before about the brutal suppression of protests in Conakry, capital of Guinea and a petition from Avaaz. Now see "More arms to abusers" on today's blog entry from the Amnesty media team.
