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Oct 4 2016 5:47PM
No more torture on your doorstep

Thumb screws, electric shock batons, leg irons and neck shackles. These instruments of torture aren’t just confined to the history books – they're being used every day in torture chambers, police stations, military barracks and at...

Oct 3 2016 5:00PM
My wife, imprisoned in Iran for six months and counting

By Richard Ratcliffe Today marks six months since my wife, Nazanin, was taken and put in an Iranian prison. It marks six months since Gabriella, our two-year-old daughter, had her passport confiscated so that she would be kept in Iran...

Oct 3 2016 3:17PM
Labour conference: A call for more voices of kindness

I was last at Labour conference in 2009 – then I was in Brighton working for a Government Minister who was being lobbied by business, NGOs and individuals alike. Seven years on and I was back! Location: Liverpool. Purpose: to lobby for...

Sep 30 2016 12:37PM
Boris urgently needs to put Nazanin and Kamal on his agenda

When Boris Johnson steps up to the mic at the Conservative Party Conference on Sunday, it will be the first time he’s set out his stall as Foreign Secretary to the party membership since he was appointed to the role back in July. Boris...

Sep 29 2016 12:23PM
Global inaction is enabling the brutal destruction of Aleppo

By Diana Semaan, Syria Campaigner at Amnesty International The collapse of the latest Syrian ceasefire agreement in recent days brought a ferocious escalation in the bombardment of Aleppo last weekend. At least 173 civilians were...