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Jul 28 2010 10:26AM
Vedanta: listen to the locals

My family’s lived in Leamington Spa (in Warwickshire) for at least five or six generations, maybe more. My forebears built some of the streets there and, glamorously, were involved in building the sewers. I don’t live there any more...

Jul 27 2010 4:56PM
Afghanistan: Wikileaks change the game

Like quite a few people, I suspect, I found the 14-page onslaught of the Guardian’s Wikileaks coverage yesterday almost too much (how was I ever going to get through it all …?) Today they’ve calmed right down and only given it a front...

Jul 27 2010 1:02PM
Belfast Pride 2010: what we learned last night

A great evening in the Europa Hotel. Senator David Norris delivering the Amnesty International Belfast Pride Lecture , followed by Pride Talks Back , when Norris joined local politicians and the Rev David McIlveen of the Free...

Jul 26 2010 2:27PM
A sniff of justice for Cambodia

It’s been a while, well OK more like 31 years, but at last the citizens of Cambodia have a sniff of justice. This morning, Kaing Guek Eav was sentenced for 35 years for crimes against humanity and war crimes. For those of you who don’t...

Jul 26 2010 2:03PM
Gay rights champion Senator David Norris at Belfast Pride

Really looking forward to meeting Senator David Norris later. I'm meeting him off the Dublin train this afternoon, in anticipation of the Amnesty International Belfast Pride Lecture later in the Europa Hotel. Senator Norris at the...