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The Amnesty children's human rights network have always beeninterest in fighting for the human rights of vulnerable streetchildren. Our children's rights advisor, David Maidment, founded The Railway Children , a charity that is...
Paige Wilhite Jennings, who used to be a researcher on Haiti for Amnesty and a former UN human rights observer there, contacted me this week. She is now settled in Northern Ireland, but the tragic events in Haiti moved her to write...
As I was saying the other day , Obama’s promise to close Guantánamo within a year falls due, so to speak, today. It hasn’t happened. Instead, in a pale reflection of what was promised, we’ve seen just 46 of 242 prisoners transferred...
Headlines Local Officials Question Relatives of Organizer Zou Chuanshun Court Rejects Request for an Appeal Hearing for Liu Xiaobo Jiangsu Court to Hear Female Lawyer’s Lawsuit against Family Planning Bureau Guangxi Police Harass...
Tragically this month has seen the killing of a fourth trade union leader in Guatemala in three months. Following the murders of Victor Galvez in November and Miguel Chacaj Jax and Pedro Ramirez de la Cruz in December, Evelinda Ramirez...