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Jan 18 2011 12:57PM
U.S. Must Deliver on Promise of Making Human Rights the Guiding Principle of its China Policy

(Chinese Human RightsDefenders, January 17, 2011) In a speech beforethe United Nations last fall, President Obamaemphasized that “part of theprice of our own freedom is standing up for thefreedom of others,” statingthat “this belief...

Jan 18 2011 10:09AM
How Ordinary People Can Make a Real Difference

*Posted on behalf of Frances* Congratulations! We have made it through apparently the most depressing Monday of the year in the UK (January 17th) where getting out of bed is at its most difficult. So, as we settle in for the rest of...

Jan 17 2011 12:37PM
The blank generation: what next in Tunisia

A momentous weekend, but what next in Tunisia? A weekend tweet from Channel Four News’ Jonathan Rugman ( @jrug ) from Tunis captured the sense of uncertainty very nicely. “Poster of Ben Ali being taken down to reveal a blank – who will...

Jan 15 2011 9:00AM
Protest Li Keqiang

伦敦华维藏人权活动人士2011年月11日到12日连续2天联合抗议李克强访英和反抗中共暴政。 华维藏同时抗议中共对藏维等地占领、对藏维等民族的镇压和人权迫害。抗议李克强在火灾和矿难中玩忽职守,抗议他造成毒奶粉扩散和掩盖输血感染艾滋病的人道危机,抗议他直接参与镇压人权捍卫者和对法轮功学员的迫害。 李克强的直接责任已导致上千人死亡,数万人被非法监禁, 他的罪责不仅没有被清查和追究, 反而在邓小平、江泽民和胡锦涛主政期间一路高升。中共体制最高产维护专制,镇压公民的刽子手...

Jan 14 2011 5:26PM
UN-yielding aggression

The unrest across Ivory Coast may no longer dominate news headlines across the UK – in fact Tunisia’s unrest appears to be the ‘foreign news story of the day’ – but the Ivorian crisis is far from over. Just a few days ago, Amnesty...