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Today a little more is told of the shocking truth about the role of the Catholic Church in Ireland in the endemic physical and sexual abuse of children and its systematic cover-up. The Child Abuse Commission report tells of how church...
Four days on and the Sri Lankan government is still proclaiming their victory over their 26-year battle with the Tamil Tigers. According to BBC News, today they’ve declared a victory holiday , where the national flag should be flown...
At approximately thirty minutes past midnight, Premier Li Peng made aspeech at the Great Hall of the People declaring that "the capital isin a critical situation ." Li Peng asserted that the studentdemonstration had "seriously violated...
This year at the AGM (as you may well already know), the UK Section passed a resolution calling for the UK delegation to this year's ICM in Turkey to urge the international movement to give priority to children's rights in the 2011...
At approximately 4:45 am, a group of officials headed by GeneralSecretary Zhao Ziyang and Premier Li Peng went to visit the students inTiananmen Square. Zhao spoke to the students through a megaphone."Fellow students, we've come too...