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Jan 12 2011 1:15PM
Two cheers for Illinois

Brief one today - I'm in a big all-day media meeting with press officers from around the world (Alastair Campbell eat your heart out). So, my mini-reflection for the day is … it's not all gloom and doom coming out of the USA. In the...

Jan 12 2011 11:00AM
Good news from Amnesty Ghana – forced evictions stopped

School children take part in Amnesty International's campaign, calling for 'Respect Human Rights in Slums', Ghana, 2010. On 1 December 2010, vans with megaphones attached to them visited informal settlements next to railway lines in an...

Jan 12 2011 7:28AM
China Human Rights Briefing Weekly   January 4-10, 2011

Highlights Hong Kong Activist and Legislator Szeto Wah Passes Away: On January 2, Hong Kong pro-democracy legislator and activist Szeto Wah (司徒华) passed away at the age of 79. Among those honoring his memory this week were a group of...

Jan 11 2011 12:31PM
AI URGENT ACTION: torture fears for tibetan prisoner

Jigme Gyatso, a Tibetan prisoner of conscience and former monk, is suspectedto be seriously ill as a result of torture and ill-treatment in custodyin Qushui prison in the outskirts of Lhasa (in Chinese: Lasa) in the TibetAutonomous...

Jan 11 2011 12:28PM

Hada,a human rights activist from Inner Mongolia, his wife Xinna and theirson Uiles have been detained in northern China and their fate andcurrent whereabouts are unknown. Amnesty International fears they maybe subjected to enforced...