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Oct 14 2016 2:59PM
Education resources on forced marriage

Written by Nora Helal, Education Workshops Volunteer One in three girls are married before the age of 18 in the developing world. In fact, across Burkina Faso, more than half of all young girls are married off as children – some as...

Oct 10 2016 4:22PM
World mental health: suicide amongst the Guarani-Kaiowá people of Brazil

by Ellie May, Amnesty International UK Country Coordinator for Brazil We need to talk about the mental health of the Guarani-Kaiowá people in Brazil. World Mental Health day should be a time to look forward and seek improvements for...

Oct 5 2016 5:04PM
There are no borders to compassion

We have been asking party conferences across the UK whether we have done enough to tackle the refugee crisis. This week was the turn of the Conservatives. As everyone rushes from meeting to meeting at party conferences, trying to look...

Oct 4 2016 5:47PM
No more torture on your doorstep

Thumb screws, electric shock batons, leg irons and neck shackles. These instruments of torture aren’t just confined to the history books – they're being used every day in torture chambers, police stations, military barracks and at...

Oct 3 2016 5:00PM
My wife, imprisoned in Iran for six months and counting

By Richard Ratcliffe Today marks six months since my wife, Nazanin, was taken and put in an Iranian prison. It marks six months since Gabriella, our two-year-old daughter, had her passport confiscated so that she would be kept in Iran...