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Mar 2 2014 2:59PM
2013 Human Rights report on Indigenous people of Bangladesh

The 2013 Human Rights Report on Indigenous people of Bangladesh has been published by the Kapaeeng Foundation, with the support of Oxfam and the European Union. The report shows that, in 2013, the number of incidents of human rights...

Feb 28 2014 7:41PM
The anti-gay law: Uganda's shame

‘the homosexuals have lost the argument in Uganda. They should rehabilitate themselves and society should assist them to do so.’ President Museveni At the start of this week Uganda’s President heralded a new low for lesbian, gay...

Feb 25 2014 2:21PM
Everyday people but not everyday abuses

Sometimes a case comes along that stops you in your tracks. This happened when I read about the forced sterilisation of indigenous women in Peru. Last month the Public Prosecutor’s office closed the case of thousands of Indigenous...

Feb 25 2014 7:43AM
Northern Ireland's victims must not be held hostage to flags and parades

In the teeth of multiple elections, can anyone seriously imagine that Northern Ireland’s political parties are going to agree compromises on emotive issues like flags and parades? Yet given the all-or-nothing approach that has been...

Feb 21 2014 9:08AM
Cracking whips at Sochi: Russia's crackdown on free speech continues

It’s two years today since Pussy Riot climbed the steps to the altar of Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, and ‘performed’, jumping, chanting, with unplugged guitars and microphones. After a minute, they were removed from the church...