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Dec 29 2008 12:39PM
Poetry against the Vietnam War - Adrian Mitchell

Adrian Mitchell , 1932 – 2008, was a poet who aimed to make his poetry easy for people to read and understand. He came to public attention when he used poetry against the war in Vietnam and read his Tell me lies about Vietnam at a...

Dec 25 2008 1:14AM
Santa and the the child's right to play

It's just turned Christmas Day in the Corrigan household. Our three elves are all in bed and Santa Claus is expected anytime now. Being a hi-tech family, we've been tracking his progress across the world on the NORAD website , which...

Dec 24 2008 10:57AM
Dont stop reading this blog!

Just some of the things we’ve blogged on this year … … the Olympics; unfolding terror and devastation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Darfur and Zimbabwe; Obama; the Secret Policeman’s Ball 2008; the 60th anniversary of the UDHR...

Dec 23 2008 1:38PM
They may know its Christmas, but do they have much to celebrate?

Today is my last day in the office for 2008 and it’s eerily quiet. The phones have rung only once all morning, and it’s pretty obvious that much of the media has packed up for the Christmas break. But as the wheels of politics and...

Dec 22 2008 1:25PM
A sixpence in the pudding: make a wish about ending violence against women

The Conservative Party is all over the headlines with their row with the Met’s assistant commissioner Bob Quick – but that’s not all! The Conservatives are also making news today with their call for more funding for 15 new rape crisis...