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Dec 4 2008 9:08PM
Guantánamo: in its death throes?

The closure of Guantánamo Bay will probably come not with a bang, but with a whimper. But come it will (says president-elect Barack Obama), only we don’t know when or how. The Guardian’s G2 today splashed on the “toxic legacy”...

Dec 3 2008 8:28PM
Chinese democracy

Chinese democracy? Do those two words fit together? It is the title of an album by Guns N Roses . I cannot tell you much about the album but it has been a very long time in the making. A Guardian article says that a Chinese newspaper...

Dec 3 2008 12:34PM
Torture in Mauritania: let me count the ways

How many ways can torturers find to hurt people? You’d maybe think that there’s a sort of limited number. Half a dozen. A dozen. Whatever. Actually, the more Amnesty stuff I read over the years the more I realise – chillingly enough –...

Dec 3 2008 10:53AM
Cluster bombs: Ireland leads the way

Great news today as over 100 countries line up in Oslo to sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions, a treaty for which Amnesty's members and allies worldwide have battled long and hard. The fact that the Republic of Ireland is one of...

Dec 2 2008 2:29PM
In the red and yellow corner... Welcome to Thailand

What complete chaos Thailand has become. The whole situation seems to increasingly resemble a south-east Asian version of a heavyweight boxing match. In the yellow corner, we have the yellow-shirted People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD...