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Apr 10 2008 2:08PM
Nepal on a knife-edge

“Mass shooting slays most of Royal family’. No, it didn’t happen here but remember the extraordinary day when a Crown Prince shot dead most of Nepal’s Royals , including his father King Birendra, before turning the gun on himself? It...

Apr 10 2008 1:29PM
China boycotts the Olympic Games

I'm cheekily nicking both the headline and the link for this story from an email from my colleague John in Amnesty's Scotland office . Despite China's pleas to keep politics out of the Olympics, it looks like they have form. China...

Apr 9 2008 1:50PM
And staying with Niger

Is it NIger (stress on the beginning)? Or is it NigER (long stress on the end)? A whole country and I’m not sure how to pronounce it. And neither, I’ve noticed, do British news-readers when (rarely) they have a news report from there...

Apr 9 2008 10:41AM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - A diary from Damascus.

Yesterday I met with three refugee families living together in only one flat in the Jeramana area, east Damascus. In total there are 14 people sharing one living room, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. These people are Sabians...

Apr 9 2008 12:29AM
BAE Al Yamamah arms deal with Saudi Arabia

A Judicial Review is to be completed soon of the government's decision to stop the Serious Fraud Office investigating the Al Yamamah arms deal. The announcement of the decision is expected on Thursday 10 April 2008. The Campaign...