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Apr 26 2009 2:38PM
Today in History: the CCP's Official Newspaper Peoples Daily Editorial on 26 April

Following an internal speech made by Deng Xiaoping, the CCP's official newspaper Peoples Daily issues a front-page editorial entitled "We must take a firm stand against turmoil", attempting to rally the public behind the government...

Apr 26 2009 2:22PM
Today in History: Independent Student Unions Were Founded

Between 19 and 24 April, independent student unions were founded. On 19 April, the Beijing University Students' Preparatory Committee (BUSPC), was established. Student pro-democracy activism continued to gain momentum in the week. As...

Apr 26 2009 12:06PM
Gay rights, modern art and why Belfast is 10 years behind Glasgow

I find myself at Glasgow's wonderful Gallery of Modern Art, right in the heart of the city and just a short toddle from Border's bookstore, one of my favourite Clydeside haunts. I'm there for the sh[OUT] exhibition – contemporary art...

Apr 26 2009 10:57AM
Armed and dangerous and paid from your taxes!

Yesterday I was at a conference run by CAAT , Campaign Against the Arms Trade. It was an interactive conference and we had the chance to practise public speaking or to answer difficult questions in conversations. We found out more...

Apr 24 2009 3:02PM
Time for the Pakistani government to stop fiddling

Heavy claims have been laid at the feet of the Pakistani government over the past few days as the Taleban have increased their hold on towns across the country. Senator Hilary Clinton described the Pakistan government as ‘ abdicating...