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Amnesty International UK
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Apr 24 2009 1:53PM
Tweet to help Amnesty win $100k for human rights!

Get tweeting! Having just become a Twitter / tweeter, I am fresh with the enthusiasm of a recent convert to this abbreviated social networking platform. If you're not yet tweeting, here's one good reason to get onsite now. Hollywood...

Apr 24 2009 12:52PM
Ulster teacher tells world's racists to '#@?# off!'

The rest of the world's leaders may have been (conveniently) scared off by the presence of controversial Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but it takes more than a fiery speech to keep a Belfast teacher at bay. Especially when...

Apr 23 2009 6:12PM
A glimmer of hope for Marnie Pearce

I had one of those strange Amnesty moments today when you’re a bit fed up for all the wrong reasons. I was meant to be accompanying our Campaigns Director down to the embassy of the United Arab Emirates to hand in a petition for Marnie...

Apr 23 2009 2:54PM
Patrick Okoroafor 14 year campaign - the power of 14!

Need an excuse to get friendly with a famous number 14 footballer? Have a classroom full of fourteen year-olds who might be interested? Here's some info from the IS on the Patrick Okoroafor campaign. On 29 May 2009 Patrick Okoroafor...

Apr 22 2009 7:55PM
Sri Lanka Endgame?

Good discussion on the Today programme this morning on what is likely to happen next in Sri Lanka. Even if the Tamil Tigers are militarily defeated in the next few days or so, the conflict will not be ended because no political...