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Amnesty International UK
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Oct 1 2009 12:27PM
We need a strong and binding Arms Trade Treaty Now!

I can remember almost exactly five years ago travelling to a school on the outskirts of Belfast where the enterprising Amnesty group had managed to get the whole school PLUS parents to add their faces to the million faces petition...

Sep 30 2009 4:30PM
Losing the battle against rape

Lack of justice for women and girls who have been victims of rape and sexual violence in conflict and post-conflict situations is high on the agenda for Amnesty today. We have two reports looking at the exact theme but in countries...

Sep 30 2009 3:52PM

Statementby Chinese, Uighur & Tibetan Solidarity UK on the occasion of the 60thanniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. We are agroup of people from China, Tibet and East Turkestan who stand united inopposition to...

Sep 30 2009 2:22PM
Unreported World goes to the Philippines: Holy Warriors

Philippines: Holy Warriors is about a conflict over land between Christians and Muslims on the island of Mindanao. Already the fighting has claimed 100 000 lives and driven 600 000 people from their homes. It will be shown on Channel 4...

Sep 30 2009 2:49AM
USA: 2,500 children serving Life Without Parole (LWOP)

The USA is one of the more high-profile countries that still practices capital punishment. What is much less known, however, is their practice of sentencing minors to life without parole (LWOP). I haven't quite yet worked out how to...