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Amnesty International UK
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Jan 22 2017 12:00AM
Events in January and February 20017

On Thursday 11th January, we had our first meeting of 2017 at our comfortable new venue, The Twickenham Club.

Oct 31 2016 12:00AM
News of Recent and Forthcoming Events for R&T Amnesty

R&T Amnesty's Street Collection went very well this year. Altogether, 17 members turned out to collect an excellent total of £686.29. Thanks to all those who contributed.

Aug 8 2016 9:50PM
Forthcoming Events for R&T Amnesty

As usual, we will have no R&T Amnesty meeting during August.

Jul 6 2016 5:59PM
Living under military occupation: An eye-witness account of life in Palestine

A talk by Kate Cargin, recently returned from Jerusalem as part of the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.

Jul 6 2016 5:57PM
Stall at St Margaret's Fair, Saturday 9th July at Moormead, TW1 1EB

At our stall this year, we will be featuring campaigns concerning Human Rights for Girls, including ending FGM and Child Marriage.

Jun 7 2016 12:00AM
June 9th 2016 Mnthly Meeting

On Thursday June 9th, our guest speaker will be Eileen Chubb, former whistle blower at a South London Care Home and subsequently Founder and Director of the Charity Compassion in Care.

May 3 2016 12:00AM
A reminder about our May 2016 Monthly Meeting

The first-ever World Humanitarian Summit is to be held in Istanbul on 23 and 24 May 2016, on the initiative of the UN Secretary-General.

Mar 7 2016 12:00AM
March Monthly Meeting