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Urgent Action good news: Journalists cleared of criminal defamation in Timor-Leste

On 1 June, a Dili court cleared Raimundos Oki and Lourenco Vicente Martins of all charges against them. The two Timorese journalists were on trial on criminal “defamatory false information” charges filed by Timor-Leste’s Prime Minister in 2016.

2nd update on UA 230/16 issued 02/06/2017

Urgent Action: Activists held under administrative detention in India

G Thirumurugan Gandhi, D Arun Kumar, M Tyson, and Ilamaran were arrested on 21 May 2017 for attempting to stage a peaceful memorial for Tamils killed in the final stages of the civil war in Sri Lanka.

UA 128/17 issued 02/06/2017

Urgent Action update: Taiwan NGO worker arrested for subversion in China

Lee Ming-cheh, the first foreign NGO worker detained after the new Foreign NGO Management Law came into effect, has been formally arrested on suspicion of “subverting state power”.

1st update on UA 71/17 issued 02/06/2017

Urgent Action: Execution set in circumstantial Alabama case

Robert Melson is scheduled to be executed in Alabama on 8 June. He was convicted on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to death in May 1996 for three murders during a robbery in 1994.

UA 127/17 issued 01/06/2017

Urgent Action: Crackdown on Formosa spill activists continues in Vietnam

The Vietnamese authorities are continuing to crackdown on activists who have raised concerns about the 2016 Formosa environmental disaster and its aftermath.

UA 126/17 issued 01/06/2017

Urgent Action: Activist detained incommunicado for 17 days in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian human rights defender Ali Shaaban has been detained incommunicado since 15 May, raising fears that he might be at risk of torture and other ill-treatment. He may be a prisoner of conscience.

UA 125/17 issued 01/06/2017

Urgent Action good news: Social media activist released from prison in Maldives

Maldivian social media activist Thayyib Shaheem was released on 17 April after spending almost one month on remand in Dhoonidhoo island prison.

1st update on UA 70/17 issued 31/05/2017

Urgent Action: Draft law in Hungary targeting NGOs must be stopped

A draft law targeting Hungarian NGOs receiving funding from abroad on the grounds that they represent “foreign interests” is expected to be voted by the National Assembly on 12-15 June.

UA 119/17 issued 26/05/2017

Urgent Action update: Family visits denied for detained journalists in Yemen

Yemeni journalists arbitrarily detained by Huthi forces have been interrogated in the month of May and since then denied regular access to their families.

3rd update on UA 27/16 issued 31/05/2017

Urgent Action: Activist's whereabouts unknown after arrest in Chad

Chadian activist Maoundoe Decladore Djikoldingam is being held incommunicado in an unknown location after he was arrested by four armed men in plainclothes in Moundou, in the south of Chad on 5 May.

UA 118/17 issued 29/05/2017