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Urgent Action: Turkish man detained and at risk of extradition in Thailand

Myanmar-based Turkish education professional, M. Furkan Sökmen was detained in Yangon International Airport on 24 May and last known to be in the transit area of a Bangkok airport. Amnesty International fears he is at risk of extradition to Turkey where he could face torture or ill-treatment.

UA 122/17 issued on 26/05/2017

Urgent Action: Teacher in Georgia at risk if extradited to Turkey

Mustafa Çabuk, a Turkish secondary school teacher living in Georgia, is at imminent risk of extradition to Turkey, where he is at risk of torture and other grave human rights violations. Turkey has accused Mustafa Çabuk of “supporting terrorism”, referring to his alleged links with the Gülen movement.

UA 121/17 issued 26/05/2017

Urgent Action update: Thomas Arthur executed in Alabama, USA

Thomas Arthur, aged 75, was executed in Alabama late on 25 May. It was his eighth execution date since 2001, three times coming within a day of being killed. This time, the US Supreme Court lifted a stay shortly before the death warrant was due to expire.

1st update on UA 103/17 issued 26/05/2017

Urgent Action update: Former government official executed in China

Zhao Liping was executed on 26 May 2017 following the approval by the Supreme People’s Court of his death sentence with immediate execution. The decision was made despite serious concerns about whether he had received a fair trial and allegations that his “confession” was made after being subjected to torture and other ill-treatment.

1st update on UA 115/17 issued 26/05/2017

Urgent Action update: Torture fears for activist sentenced to death in China

Veteran activist Xu Youchen has testified at his appeal that police had tortured him to obtain the evidence used to convict and sentence him to death in December 2016.

1st update on UA 3/17 issued 26/05/2017

Urgent Action: Priest harassed over memorial to war dead in Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan priest, Father Elil Rajendram, is being harassed by the police over his efforts to help families memorialize their loved ones lost during the armed conflict.

UA 116/17 issued 25/05/2017

Urgent Action update: Two men hanged in secretive executions in Malaysia

Yong Kar Mun was executed at 5.30 am on 24 May 2017 at Sungai Buloh Prison in Selangor, Malaysia.

1st update on UA 113/17 issued 25/05/2017

Urgent Action update: Human rights defender in Sudan facing death penalty

Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam is now facing six charges two of which may result in the death penalty or life imprisonment if he is convicted.

1st update on UA 26/17 issued 25/05/2017

Urgent Action update: Human rights defender's sentence upheld in Cuba

A Provincial Court upheld a three-year prison sentence against human rights defender Eduardo Cardet who continues to be held in the Provincial Prison of Holguín, south-east Cuba.

2nd update on UA 32/17 issued 25/05/2017

Urgent Action: Fear for hunger strikers' well being in Turkey

Academic Nuriye Gülmen and primary school teacher Semih Özakça, were remanded in Sincan prison, in Ankara, on 23 May. They are continuing a prolonged hunger strike to protest against the dismissal from their jobs.

UA 107/17 issued 24/05/2017