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Amnesty International UK
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Children's Rights (220)
Mar 16 2016 5:28pm
Human rights in the Kate Greenaway and Carnegie Medal shortlists
What a joy to see the outstanding books on these shortlists, all chose...
Sep 10 2015 5:20pm
Iran: don't execute Salar, juvenile offender
By Lisa Incledon, Children's Human Rights Network Salar Shadizadi was...
Aug 13 2015 6:06pm
A mother aged 11, after she was raped by her stepfather
A young girl in Paraguay being referred to as 'Mainumby' has given bir...
Jun 16 2015 10:37am
Call for Northern Ireland clerical child sex abuse inquiry as Amnesty responds to Vatican tribunal
Amnesty International has called for the Northern Ireland Executive to...
May 28 2015 9:53am
Education without Discrimination: Roma Children's Rights in the Czech Republic
During a workshop at Amnesty UK's AGM in April we asked people to pick...
May 27 2015 1:56pm
Paraguay: No child should be forced to give birth
Last month a young girl was taken to hospital by her mother complai...
May 11 2015 11:10am
Families are stronger than cages
By Lucy Barnett, Country Coordinator – Bahrain and United Arab Emir...
Apr 15 2015 4:10pm
Our chance to lobby the US Embassy: campaigning for the rights of the child
Our journey of campaigning for the US to ratify the Convention on the ...