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Amnesty International UK
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Children's Rights (220)
Jun 14 2018 12:23am
USA: Children locked up for life
Blog written by Giorgia Ziliani  Every day, dozens of children unde...
Jun 13 2018 2:51am
UK must do more to create equal treatment and opportunities for children
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all human beings...
May 31 2018 2:28pm
Workshop - Children's Rights Introduction
This resource introduces students aged 5-11 to the topic of children's...
Mar 22 2018 3:00pm
Gun violence is a human rights issue
Sadly, the United States has become somewhat infamous for school shoot...
Dec 12 2017 3:19pm
Author Mitch Johnson on tackling global inequality in fiction
By Mitch Johnson: an introduction to his new book ,'Kick', which has b...
Nov 24 2017 1:04pm
High Court refuses to rule on 'utterly shameful' £1,000 child citizenship fee
Yesterday, the High Court declined to rule on the lawfulness of a near...
Nov 20 2017 2:49pm
The Convention on the Rights of the Child: Improving children’s lives
By Jonathan Todres Jonathan Todres is a law professor at Georgia St...
Nov 20 2017 1:00pm
How the government profiteers from children needing to register as British citizens
How can someone born in this country, having lived here all her life, ...
Jun 2 2017 1:08pm
Children's Laureate urges next UK government to address three inequalities harming children
In the UK thousands of children can’t claim British citizenship due to...