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Amnesty International UK
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Children's Rights (220)
Nov 29 2018 12:31pm
Thank you for demanding justice for Syrians killed by US-led coalition
  Thanks so much to all those who took action demanding justice...
Nov 20 2018 2:42pm
Egypt: Children face shocking violations including torture and enforced disappearance
Children in Egypt have been subjected to military trials, charged base...
Nov 20 2018 1:33pm
Happy 29th Birthday to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)!
We are celebrating the 29th anniversary of the UN Convention on the ...
Nov 19 2018 4:55pm
Recommended graphic novels for children and young adults
‘Dense text can be daunting even for adults. For children and young pe...
Nov 19 2018 4:50pm
The human rights impact of graphic novels on children and young people
By Sonia Laso, publishing programme volunteer, Amnesty UK 20 Novemb...
Oct 17 2018 12:22pm
Microsoft moves on child labour claims
Thanks you so much to those of you who emailed Microsoft’s CEO ask...
Sep 3 2018 3:17pm
September Campaign Action - Children's Right to Citizenship
15-year-old Daniel didn't even know he wasn't British until he was den...
Jul 31 2018 4:27pm
USA: How the Trump administration violated children's rights
In June and July 2018, thousands of children were cruelly separated fr...
Jul 31 2018 9:55am
Together, we can #Endhumantrafficking
“Men and women have the right to live their lives and raise their chil...
Jun 14 2018 2:05am
From violence to exploitation: Sex trafficking of Rohingya children in Bangladesh
The Rohingya people have been persecuted and systematically oppressed ...