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Amnesty International UK
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Children's Rights (220)
Sep 2 2020 5:28pm
CHRN Monthly Action September 20 - Angola
An investigation by Amnesty International and Angolan human rights org...
Aug 27 2020 4:24pm
Serena Jemmett has over 5 years experience with Amnesty Internatio...
Aug 21 2020 12:42pm
Don't Zap the Zip
The Government have announced they will scrap the zip card - which off...
Aug 12 2020 10:18am
UK: youth activism competition celebrates the power of young voices
Young people invited to speak about issues they care about with chance...
Aug 7 2020 4:44pm
Recognition of racism in the UK is growing
By Steve Valdez-Symonds Recognition of racism in the UK appears to ...
Jul 29 2020 11:59pm
Iraq: 2,000 traumatised Yezidi children abandoned after ISIS captivity - new report
Girls systematically raped, while boys tortured and made to fight with...
Jul 17 2020 5:46pm
USA: 100 NGOs call for detained migrant families to be released - new letter
27 July deadline looming ‘Detained families must now be afforded th...
Jul 17 2020 4:41pm
UN: Angelina Jolie cites forthcoming Amnesty report on Yezidi children
‘Promises must be kept’ to help child survivors of ISIS atrocities, sa...
Jul 7 2020 11:05am
We must avoid back-sliding into a de-regulated future and a disaster for children’s well-being and safeguarding
Blog by Russell Pilling, Children's Human Rights Network Committee Mem...
Jun 23 2020 1:50pm
Saudi Arabia: UN should urgently review de-listing over children's rights violations
Letter from 24 NGOs sent to António Guterres ahead of debate today ...