About me
I'm a volunteer at Amnesty working with the Human Rights Defenders team
Today marks the International day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia. It is a day recognised across the globe, where people come together and raise awareness of the violation of rights that the LGBTI+ community continue to...
The right for women to choose what to wear or not wear is a personal choice. However, sadly this right is abused on a daily basis in Iran.
‘Let me find a place where to rest my head. / So tired. / It’s not easy. / Life after Guantanamo. / Chad, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria. / All this, it’s Americans who did this to me.’
About me
Digital Engagement and Campaigns at Amnesty International UK
Why should companies steer clear of doing business with Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT)? Surely, there is nothing wrong with a business relationship with such entities, some of which have been in place
About me
Digital Engagement and Campaigns at Amnesty International UK
If we want to give refugees the best chance to rebuild their lives and contribute to our society, reuniting people with those they love isn’t just humane. It’s common sense.