About me
I am the Economic Affairs Programme Director at Amnesty International UK. My expertise includes business impacts on human rights, international standards applicable to companies, and the civil and criminal liability of corporations. I have written of a number of business and human rights publications and I am a frequent media commentator.
The less the public and Parliament know about trade deals that are being negotiated, the less they are in a position to challenge their likely impacts.
We have continued to take action to raise awareness of the discrimination against the Ahmadiyyah Muslims in Pakistan.
About me
I am a member of the Children's Human Rights Network.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.
About me
My name is Ryan Stalley and I'm Interim Secretary of the LGBTI Network.
I'm passionate about human rights. As a gay man, I take an avid interest in the progression of the rights of LGBTI people.
I'm also a student studying Philosophy at the University of Roehampton, London.
Dr Senthorun Raj is the Secretary of Amnesty UK LGBTI Network and Lecturer in Law at Keele University. Today marks the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOTB) . May 17 th commemorates a human rights...
About me
Campaigner (Crisis & Tactical) at Amnesty UK. I lead our campaigning work on human rights crises, conflicts, and tactical campaigning opportunities (such as the Olympics) to highlight human rights abuses and work towards achieving possitive human rights change in the affected countries.
Palestinians have been fighting for their basic rights for 70 years - ever since Israel destroyed their homes and forced them to flee. This has to change.